Teeth Cleaning

General Dentistry

Dental Rooms
Kelly Orcutt

Let’s start with the basics, Teeth Cleaning

Having regular dental cleanings, in addition to your traditional home care,  is of great benefit.  It allows you to have a professional cleanse in areas in your mouth that otherwise might have been overlooked for months, or worse,  years.

Even the most diligent brushing and flossing cannot get EVERYWHERE–it’s impossible!  This is where the expertise of our Dental Hygienists comes in.  They have the advantage of the tools, equipment, and knowledge needed to regain or maintain your oral health.  This will help you prevent more costly dental procedures and keep your teeth in their best shape possible.

Patients are encouraged to stay on a regular recall protocol established by the dentist or hygienist, based on the patient’s current dental state and needed follow-up. Even though most people are on a 6-month recall, some patients may be more prone to gum disease and need much closer attention.  These recalls might be in 3 or 4 months, all done to improve their condition and avoid loss of teeth in the future.

By having regular cleanings, patients can have the following benefits:

  • No bleeding gums.
  • Stronger, healthier teeth.
  • Improve their breath.
  • Avoid dental cavities.
  • Avoid further and costly dental treatment.
Experience dentistry like never before.